“Preferences” panel

The Preferences panel permits to change the default settings of the application, allowing the user to preset the most frequently used design parameters. The parameters are grouped in six sections: General, Georeferencing, Survey area, Receivers, Transmitters and Field parameters.

Preferences panel.

Fig. 19 Preferences panel.

Changes made by the user can be made permanent through the Save command and will be active at software restart. To restore the factory parameters select the Reset command. User preferences are saved inside a text file (ertdesign_config.ini) in the preferences folder of the software installation directory.


General Preferences.

Fig. 20 General Preferences.

Use this section to set the language option for the user interface, choosing between English and Italian.


Georeferencing preferences.

Fig. 21 Georeferencing preferences.

The section allows to preset the ellipsoid for the conversion of the geographic coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) to the UTM projection plane. You can choose from 23 different ellipsoids. The default uses WGS84.

Survey area

Survey area preferences.

Fig. 22 Survey area preferences.

Find in this section the defaults on the geometry of the survey area, to be generated as an alternative to the import from KMZ/KML files. The parameters present are the same as described in the section related to “Define survey area” panel of this manual.


Receivers preferences.

Fig. 23 Receivers preferences.

RX names/IDs

This parameter allows to store a list of strings with the names to be assigned to the RX boxes. With no specifications, the application makes use of progressive numbering RX1, RX2, …, RXn to identify the receivers. It can be useful, in order to facilitate field operations, to name receivers using the serial numbers labelled on the V-FullWaver boxes.

Local coordinates for RX electrodes

The parameters present here are the same as described in “Receivers” section of Survey design panel.

Advanced settings

The parameters present here are the same described in the section related to Receivers of Advanced Settings panel.


Transmitters preferences.

Fig. 24 Transmitters preferences.

The parameters present here are the same described in the section related to Transmitters of Advanced Settings panel.

Field parameters

Field parameters preferences.

Fig. 25 Field parameters preferences.

The parameters here store presets related to the fieldwork scenario:

  • Background Rho: this is the value (in Ohm m) of the site background resistivity.
  • Injected current: this is the value (in mA) the user supposes will be able to inject into the ground at the transmitting dipoles.

The parameters Alert on Vmn MIN and MAX allow to preset the alarm thresholds (in mV) to alert the user in case of too low potentials or in case of risk of overload at receivers.