A look at the application interface

The user interface of the ERTdesign FullWaver module consists of four components.

Application interface.

Fig. 7 Application interface.

  1. One Menu Bar on the left of the screen with command-icons to show/hide the Side Panels for accessing the application functionalities.
  2. Four Side panels on the left of the screen, which are accessed by each one of the Menu Bar commands.
  3. Three Project tabs with project details and analysis tools.
  4. One Graphical toolbar at the bottom of tabs for managing the properties of plots.

Side panels

  • The Load and save panel allows to open and save project files.
  • The Survey design panel contains the configuration commands for the survey project: properties of the area to be investigated, receivers and transmitters settings.
  • The Preferences panel allows setting program defaults.
  • The Info and documentation panel gives access to the documentation.

Project tabs

  • The Survey design summary tab contains the details of the generated set of sensors.
  • The DOI/Vmn charts allows to analyze sensitivity, depth of investigation and expected Vmn signal for TX/RX combinations.
  • The TX/RX schedules contains sheets with coordinates of the generated transmitting and receiving electrodes, with details on quadrupoles and with measurements pseudo-plots.

Graphic toolbar

The graphic toolbar allows to perform the most common operations on properties of the graphs present in each project tab.

Graphic toolbar.

Fig. 9 Graphic toolbar.

Looking at the bar controls from left to right we find:

  • Home, Back, Forward. These commands are similar to home, forward and back of a web browser. The Forward and Back commands are used to navigate back and forth between previously defined views. The Home command takes back to the default data view.
  • Pan/Zoom. This command has two modes: pan and zoom. Press the left mouse button and hold it to pan the figure, dragging it to a new position. By pressing the “x” or “y” keys while panning, the motion will be constrained respectively on the x or y axis. Pressing the right mouse button zooms in. The x axis will be zoomed in proportionately to the rightward movement and zoomed out proportionately to the leftward movement. The same is true for the y axis and up/down motions.
  • Zoom on rectangular area. Define a rectangular region by dragging the mouse while holding the button to a new location. When using the left mouse button, the axes view limits will be zoomed to the defined region. When using the right mouse button, the axes view limits will be zoomed out, placing the original axes in the defined region.
  • Configuration of subplots. Using this tool will configure the appearance of the subplot: you can stretch or compress the left, right, top, or bottom side of the subplot, or the space between the rows or space between the columns.
  • Save. Save files with the following extensions: png, ps, eps, svg and pdf.